Azores Birder's Pelagic
This trip is specifically aimed at birders, particularly world and western Palearctic
listers to see the endemic Monteiro’s Petrel and also to explore for other rare
seabirds and local specialities including Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel,
‘Grant’s’ Band-rumped Storm Petrel, Barolo’s Shearwater, Wilson’s Storm Petrel
and other North Atlantic specialities.
There are two options- the full week trip which also includes going to see the
Azores Bullfinch, for those world listers or WP listers who still need that species or
the five day trip which focuses on pelagics only.
(Extension Day One)
Arrive on Sao Miguel and if time permits have a walk along Ponta Delgada harbour
for some preliminary seabird watching and then dinner in a local restaurant.
(Extension Day Two)
Travel to the Serra da Tronqueira to see the Azores Bullfinch.
Day One
Arrive on Terceira island and spend the afternoon exploring the Cabo da Praia
quarry for wetland birds. In the evening catch the Terceira to Graciosa Ferry and
arrive on Graciosa in the evening.
Day Two
Full day Pelagics
Day Three
Full day Pelagics
Day Four
Full day Pelagics
Day Five
Leave Graciosa by plane and return home.
TO BOOK A TRIP EMAIL: littleoakgroup@btinternet.com