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There are over 150 species of Lepidoptera on the Azores. The Azores Grayling is the only endemic butterfly species (with three local species/ sub-species depending on different authorities). The Large White present in the archipelago is also an endemic sub-species. American Painted Lady occurs occasionally as a migrant from the Nearctic and Monarchs have colonised some of the islands and also occurs as an occasional migrant.
There are over 30 endemic species and subspecies of moth for the Azores. For a full list of species see here
Butterflies & Moths of The Azores
Butterflies of The Azores
Long-tailed Blue Lampides boeticus
Monarch Danaus plexippus
Azores Grayling Hipparchia azorina
Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta
Painted Lady Vanessa cadui
American Painted Lady Vanessa virgiensis
Clouded Yellow Colias croceus
‘Azores Large White’ Pieris brassicae azorensis


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